The total target of Australian skilled visas increased by 79%, from 79,600 (in 2021-22) to 142,400 (in 2022-23), of which:
- Visa 189 – Skilled independent increased nearly 5 times, from 6,500 to 32,100 yen
- Visa 491 – Skilled Area Designation more than tripled, from 11,200 to 34,000 yen
- Visa 190 – State sponsorship skills nearly tripled, from 11,200 to 31,000 yen
Notably, visa 189 (PR), known as a “hard to obtain” visa, now accounts for the main weight, 23% of the total target.
In the first 3 invitation rounds of 2022-23, the Immigration Department “surprised” when inviting a large number of 189 visa applicants at a floor level of 65 points. Compared to previous years, the number of invitations is 7-8 times higher, especially the big difference with the last 2 years due to the impact of Covid-19.

According to statistics, applicants who apply for EOI (Application for 189 visa) are currently most concentrated in the following occupations:
- Accountant (General) (General Accountant)
- Software Engineer (Software Engineer)
- Mechanical Engineer
- Civil Engineer (Construction Engineer)
- ICT Business Analyst (Business Analytics)
- Computer Network and Systems Engineer
- Developer Programmer (Programmer)
- Engineering Technologist
- Electrical Engineer (Electrical Engineer)
- ICT Security Specialist
- Systems Analyst
- Chef (Head Chef)
- Electronics Engineer (Electronic Engineer)
- Telecommunications Engineer
- External Auditor (Audit)
In addition, positions in the Healthcare and Teaching sectors are currently being prioritized in Australia with very fast application processing speed.
Australia is opening its doors to people with expertise and skills. However, it is highly likely that Australia will soon overcome the labor shortage thanks to the current easing of eligibility criteria.
To catch up on the opportunity to own a permanent resident ticket through the 189 visa, applicants need to make a decision and apply as soon as possible before the Department of Immigration tightens the criteria.